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No Rate Change

No Rate Change
26 May 2020, 05:02 AM

The Water Authority Regulations allow for an annual rate adjustment; however, this year, there will not be an increase in water and sewerage rates.

“The services provided by the Water Authority are essential, particularly during a health crisis like the one we are currently facing. Maintaining the current rates provides the public with the assurance that they can continue to access these services at an economical cost,” comments Mr Kearney Gomez, Chairman of the Water Authority Board.

Under the current rate structure, the fee for the first 12 cubic metres (m3) consumed each month, which is equivalent to approximately 3,200 US gallons, is CI$4.56 and CI$5.79 on each m3 thereafter. In Cayman Brac, residential piped water rate is CI$6.21 on each m3 and trucked water customer fees are $7.77 on each m3.

Sewerage rates are based on the assessed Sewerage Fixture Units (SFUs) for the service location in question and are calculated at a constant rate of CI$1.672. The rate for septage disposal is CI$17.018 per 1,000 US gallons.

“This is a very challenging time for our community, and many of our customers are facing financial hardships due to the Coronavirus pandemic,” notes Water Authority Director Dr Gelia Frederick-van Genderen. “Water and wastewater services are vital for public health, and the Authority is pleased to continue to provide these services at an affordable rate.”

The Authority’s website contains a variety of resources to help customers understand their bills, reading their water meters, and conserve water by reducing water use through smart home and landscaping habits.

For more updates, visit the Authority’s website and social media pages.