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National Security Council Summary Now Available Online

National Security Council Summary Now Available Online
23 September 2021, 05:10 AM
Politics & Government

The National Security Council (NSC), a constitutional body chaired by the Governor, today published a summary of decisions from its monthly meeting on the Government website,

This is the first time since the NSC was established that it has made such a record available. The summary reflected activity at the NSC meeting held on Tuesday, 21 September.

His Excellency the Governor, Martyn Roper, praised the Government for the steps it has taken towards increased equity and transparency.

“I welcome the Government’s support for publishing summaries of NSC meetings. National security is a topic that touches closely on all our daily lives. It is appropriate that Caymanians and residents should be able to visit the Government website and inform themselves about the latest developments in this critical area. They are better able to track how closely the concerns of the NSC mirror their own, and provide us with feedback where needed,” the Governor remarked.

Going forward the Cabinet Office will publish a summary of the decisions taken at National Security Council meetings on the day following the meeting.

Premier Wayne Panton said his Government remains committed to increasing transparency around Government decisions and encouraged the people of the Cayman Islands to use the new measure to gain a greater understanding about the NSC and its work.